I have been committed to and OBSESSED with building the Life of my dreams and serving others.
As a nurse of 12 years, I know all too well that in Western culture we tend to attempt to treat the symptoms rather than correcting the cause of the health issues. This is not limited to physical health, rather it shows up in EVERY area of our lives.
Going to traditional therapists who LACK the TOOLS to set the example of how to make MASSIVE, PERMANENT shifts in mindset, self-esteem as well as relationships, health and business are only taught how to address symptoms, rather than the cause.
I am the seer of the cause. I can recognize within seconds whether someone is suffering from mindset/self esteem issues, even through text messaging! My unique method allows me to unearth and bring to the light all of the causes of your pain and suffering in all areas of your life.
My tools are applicable in ANY situation, in ANY area of life. I want you to work with me once and never need another therapist or life coach again! That is my goal-to awaken you to your own individual power to connect you with everything you need so that you can be POWERFUL, INTENTIONAL, EFFECTIVE and ENJOY CREATING the LIFE of your DREAMS!!
““Rachel…has a tool box of techniques that helps you gain clarity, make great change and create the next steps you did not even know you needed to take. Her services are, in fact, priceless. She changed not only the way I go about things daily, but how I thought of and viewed myself. Rachel will enrich your life.”